Archive for Februari 2013

Yonas Post : Qais Si Pecinta Gila

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013
Posted by Unknown

      Laila, ‘Azza, Batsinah, ‘Afrâ, Mey dan masih banyak nama-nama lainnya adalah tokoh-tokoh perempuan Arab yang telah diharumkan namanya oleh para pujangga dan penyair padang pasir dalam berbagai bait syair yang indah. Seperti kisah-kisah percintaan yang lain, kumpulan cerita cinta yang akan kita lalui ini, juga tidak luput dari sebuah realitas bahwa terkadang latar belakang cerita yang kita kemas bisa saja diambil dari kisah nyata atau fiktif belaka.
      Dalam artian, kisah tersebut hanyalah bagian dari rekayasa para pujanggga pada saat itu. Akan tetapi, terlepas dari nyata atau tidaknya kisah-kisah tersebut, kita dapat mengambil satu kesimpulan pasti bahwa nasib perempuan dalam kisah-kisah tersebut selalu terabaikan!
      Maka, tidak heran apabila kita mendapatkan gambaran perempuan dalam mayoritas kisah-kisah tersebut adalah perempuan yang selalu dicintai, diikuti kemanapun ia pergi. Atau sebaliknya, mereka dibuang dan dijauhkan! Bahkan, dalam rangkaian kisah cinta di bumi Arab ini, perempuan dijadikan sebagai sumber inspirasi bagi sang penyair. Akan tetapi, terkadang terjadi konflik dan percekcokan antara sang penyair dan keluarga kekasih yang dicintainya. Sehingga, tidak jarang mereka saling membunuh antara satu sama lainnya.
      Dalam buku ini, kita tidak akan menelusuri sikap orang yang dicintai atau obyek dari kisah-kisah ini. Karena dalam hal ini, mereka diposisikan sebagai penonton yang duduk jauh dari panggung pertunjukan. Dan penonton hanya dapat bertepuk tangan sebagai bentuk sokongan atau melemparkan umpatan sebagai tanda ketidak setujuan. Jadi, seorang obyek hanya cukup untuk menjadi penonton saja!
      Cinta yang terus menghiasi kehidupan ini dari masa ke masa masih dalam frame yang sama, masih itu itu juga! Cinta adalah sebuah getaran yang meresap masuk kedalam hati, panggilan yang mendorong untuk masuk secara paksa ke dalam jiwa dan api yang membakar perasaan setiap kali melihat orang yang dicintai atau terlintas kenangan yang pernah dilalui bersamanya.
      Dan tentu saja tokoh-tokoh yang berada di balik kisah-kisah cinta di dunia Arab tersebut telah merasakan hal-hal tersebut. Pastilah salah satu dari mereka telah mengungkapkan perasaannya tersebut secara terang-terangan kepada kekasihnya atau menuangkannya melalui bait-bait syair yang indah dengan tujuan untuk dipersembahkan kepada orang tercinta. Sehingga kita tidak dapat mengetahui secara pasti apakah bait-bait syair itu telah tercipta begitu saja atau bagian terindah yang tercipta sebagai bagian yang mewakili perasaan mereka.
      Setelah menuangkan berbagai perasaan tersebut melalui bait-bait tulisan, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah membuktikannya melalui langkah nyata, yaitu mengambil sikap dan keputusan. Dan ini bukan bagian perempuan... ini selalu menjadi tugas laki-laki!
      Dan seandainya rasa rindu yang saya rasakan mengatakan bahwa cinta berawal dari pandangan mata, kemudian berbalas senyuman, disambung dengan sebuah perkenalan dan diteruskan dengan sebuah percakapan, sehingga terikrarlah janji dan berakhir dengan pertemuan dan kemudian perpisahan. Maka, cinta juga adalah obat yang dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit asmara yang diderita anak manusia. Dan biasanya, yang akan memulai semuanya itu adalah laki-laki, barulah setelah itu perempuan mengikuti gerakannya dari belakang.
      Sebagian besar kisah-kisah percintaan terkenal terjadi pada fase awal masuknya Islam. Dan diantara kisah-kisah tersebut, yang paling masyhur adalah kisah Laila dan si pecinta gila. Yang dimaksud dengan si pecinta gila disini tidak lain adalah Qais bin Malwah.
      Qais adalah putra dari pamannya Laila. Keduanya merupakan teman sepermainan di masa kecil. Mereka berdua sering mengembala kambing bersama di sebuah padang rumput yang terletak di wilayah Arab. Peristiwa tersebut terjadi pada abad pertama hijriah. Sebuah masa dimana wilayah tersebut merupakan daerah yang terisolir dari dunia luar.
      Ajaran Islam-pun akhirnya menyebar dan sangat berpengaruh dalam jiwa masyarakat pedalaman. Ajaran tersebut telah berhasil merubah berbagai pemahaman mereka mengenai bagaimana cara mereka dalam bersosialisasi antara satu individu masyarakat dengan lainnya. Dari sinilah mulai terlihat perubahan pada hubungan laki-laki dan perempuan. Sehingga, terbentuklah sebuah sistem baru yang mengatur interaksi antara keduanya.
      Tidak hanya itu, berbagai sisi kehidupan kemasyarakatan yang biasa berlaku mengalami perubahan secara total. Sehingga kita dapat menilai bahwa kehidupan mereka pra Islam sangat berbeda dengan kehidupan pada masa jahiliyah.
      Islam telah datang ke bumi Arab untuk mengangkat harkat dan martabat kaum perempuan. Sehingga mereka tidak kembali dijadikan sebagai simbol hiburan sesaat, seperti yang biasa berlaku pada miliu masyarakat pedalaman Arab. Tradisi tersebut biasanya mereka pergunakan sebagai bukti keberadaan mereka yang dinilai sebagai bangsa yang hilang ditelan padang pasir. Sehingga, kita tidak dapat melihat apa-apa selain gunungan pasir di seluruh penjuru tempat.
      Selain perempuan, mereka juga menjadikan minuman-minuman keras dan perjudian sebagai tradisi dan ciri has mereka yang lain.
      Agama baru ini telah mengharamkan mereka untuk meminum minuman keras dan perjudian. Sekaligus mengikat mereka dengan prinsip-prinsip agama, sistem sosial kemasyarakatan dan kehidupan. Akan tetapi, bagi mereka perubahan ini layaknya seperti sebuah kematian, jiwa para pemuda berontak ingin keluar dari kondisi seperti itu. Keinginan tersebut terus menggelora didalam dada mereka. Setiap

Yonas’ Post : Muslim and Islam

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013
Posted by Unknown

Berbicara tentang islam pasti teringat dengan orang muslim, begitu juga sebaliknya bicara tentang muslim pasti ingat tentang suatu agama yang disebut agama Islam. Banyak orang berpikiran bahwa yang muslim-muslim itu sudah pasti islami, dan yang islam-islam itu sudah pasti melekat dengan muslim. Pertanyaannya, apakah pendapat demikian sudah pasti benar? Secara umum orang yang beragama islam itu sudah pasti disebut orang muslim (muslimin). Namun ternyata ada sedikit kekeliruan mengenai pembahasan antara muslim dan islam ini. Sebelum berbicara lebih jauh mengenai islam mari kita pelajari dulu pengertian tentang apa itu islam dan apa itu muslim.
Islam adalah agama yang diturunkan oleh Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W untuk mengatur hubungan manusia dengan Allah, manusia dengan manusia lain dan manusia dengan dirinya sendiri.

Agama yang diturunkan oleh Allah - menafikan semua agama-agama yang cipta/ direka oleh manusia Kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W  -menafikan agama-agama samawi lain yaitu agama yang diturunkan kepada nabi selain muhammad S.A.W. yang mengatur hubungan manusia dengan Allah - mengcakupi urusan akidah dan ibadah (solat, puasa, zakat dan haji) dengan Manusia lain - urusan yang melibatkan

Yonas Post : Mu'min Rindu Kampung Halaman Sejati

Minggu, 10 Februari 2013
Posted by Unknown

Mu'min Rindu Kampung Halaman Sejati
Tahukah saudara bahwa ketika seorang Mu’min telah lulus menyelesaikan segenap rangkaian pemeriksaan atas dirinya di yaumul hisab (hari perhitungan amal), maka barulah ia diizinkan Allah memasuki Al-Jannah (surga), negeri keabadian penuh kebahagiaan hakiki? Ia tidak diizinkan memasuki surga bilamana terbukti ia masih mempunyai permasalahan dengan sesama manusia, walaupun dengan Allah Ta’aala ia tidak lagi punya masalah apa-apa. Segenap dosanya yang bersifat hablun minallah telah diampuni Allah Ta’aala. Namun karena ia masih memiliki masalah hablun minannaas dengan sesama manusia, maka ia ditahan di suatu tempat dekat sekali dari baabul-jannah (pintu surga) guna menyelesaikan berbagai perkara (melakukan rekonsiliasi) dengan sesama manusia.
Dalam hal ini Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam menggambarkannya sebagai berikut:

عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ الْخُدْرِيِّ قَالَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُعَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَيَخْلُصُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ مِنْ النَّارِفَيُحْبَسُونَ عَلَى قَنْطَرَةٍبَيْنَ الْجَنَّةِ وَالنَّارِفَيُقْتَصُّ لِبَعْضِهِمْ مِنْبَعْضٍ مَظَالِمُكَانَتْ بَيْنَهُمْفِي الدُّنْيَا حَتَّى إِذَاهُذِّبُوا وَنُقُّوا أُذِنَ لَهُمْفِي دُخُولِ الْجَنَّةِفَوَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِلَأَحَدُهُمْ أَهْدَى لِمَنْزِلِهِفِي الْجَنَّةِ مِنْهُ بِمَنْزِلِهِكَانَ فِي الدُّنْيَا

Dari Abu Sa'id Al Khudri ia berkata; Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda, "Orang-orang yang beriman pada hari Kiamat selamat dari neraka, lalu mereka ditahan di jembatan antara surga dan neraka, lalu sebagian akan diqishas atas sebagian yang lain karena kezhaliman mereka waktu di dunia, sehingga setelah mereka dibersihkan dan telah suci, maka barulah mereka diizinkan memasuki surga. Demi Dzat yang jiwaku ada dalam genggaman-Nya, seseorang di antara mereka lebih mengetahui rumahnya di surga dari pada rumahnya di dunia." (HR. Ahmad No. 10673)

Dalam hadits di atas Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam menggunakan istilah "ditahan di jembatan antara surga dan neraka" untuk menggambarkan masih menggantungnya masalah orang-orang beriman yang belum berhak masuk surga karena masih adanya problema antara dirinya dengan manusia lainnya yang pernah ia zalimi. Perbuatan menzalimi manusia lain merupakan perbuatan tercela yang sangat dibenci Allah Ta’aala. Dalam sebuah hadits Qudsi dikatakan sebagai berikut:

إِنِّي حَرَّمْتُ عَلَى نَفْسِيالظُّلْمَ وَعَلَى عِبَادِيأَلَا فَلَا تَظَالَمُوا

Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda bahwa Allah berfirman, “Wahai para hamba-Ku, sesungguhnya Aku mengharamkan kezaliman atas diri-Ku dan Aku mengharamkannya pula atas kalian, maka janganlah kalian saling menzalimi.” (HR. Ahmad No. 20451)

Surga merupakan tempat yang hanya berhak dimasuki oleh hamba-hamba Allah Ta’aala yang benar-benar telah bersih dari segenap dosa, baik dosa kepada Allah Ta’aala maupun dosa kepada sesama hamba Allah. Oleh karenanya, seorang muslim senantiasa mendambakan dan mengharapkan ampunan Allah Ta’aala sebab ia tahu bahwa jika dirinya masih mempunyai dosa niscaya ia tidak berhak
Video bagi orang yang tidak menerima JILBAB

“Saudariku Apa yang Menghalangimu untuk Berhijab” ( 3 )
Oleh : syaikh Abdul Hamid Al Bilaly

Para akhawat yang tidak berhijab banyak yang berdalih: “Allah belum memberiku
hidayah. Sebenamya aku juga ingin berhijab, tetapi hendak bagaimana jika hingga
saat ini Allah belum memberiku hidayah?, do’akanlah aku agar segera mendapat
Ukhti yang berdalih seperti ini telah terperosok dalam kekeliruan yang nyata.
Kami ingin bertanya: “Bagaimana engkau mengetahui bahwa Allah belum memberimu
Jika jawabannya, “Aku tahu”, maka ada satu dari dua kemungkinan:

Pertama, dia mengetahui ilmu ghaib yang ada di dalam kitab yang tersembunyi
(Lauhul Mahfuzh). Dia pasti mengetahui pula bahwa dirinya termasuk orang-orang
yang celaka dan bakal masuk Neraka.
Kedua, ada makhluk lain yang mengabarkan padanya tentang nasib dirinya, bahwa
dia tidak termasuk wanita yang mendapatkan hidayah. Bisa jadi yang memberitahu
itu malaikat atau pun manusia.
jika kedua jawaban itu tidak mungkin adanya, bagaimana engkau mengetahui Allah
belum memberimu hidayah? Ini salah satu masalah.
Masalah lain adalah, Allah telah menerangkan dalam kitabNya, bahwa hidayah itu
ada dua macam. Masing-masing adalah hidayah dilaIah dan hidayah taufiq.
Hidayah Dilalah
Ini adalah bimbingan atau petunjuk pada kebenaran. Dalam hidayah ini, terdapat
campur tangan dan usaha manusia, di samping hidayah Allah dan bimbingan
RasulNya. Allah telah menunjukkan jalan kebenaran pada manusia yang mukallnf,
juga Dia telah menunjukkan jalan kebatilan yang menyimpang dari petunjuk para
Rasul dan KitabNya. Para rasul pun telah menerangkan jalan ini kepada kaumnya.
Begitu pula para da’i. Mereka semua menerangkan jalan ini kepada manusia. Jadi
semua ikut ambil bagian dalam hidayah ini.
Hidayah Taufiq
Hidayah ini hanya milik Allah semata, tidak ada sekutu bagiNya (dalam pemberian
hidayah taufiq ini). Ia berupa peneguhan kebenaran dalam hati, penjagaan dari
penyimpangan, pertolongan agar tetap meniti dan teguh di jalan kebenaran,
pendorong pada kecintaan iman. Pendorong pada kebencian terhadap kekufuran,
kefasikan dan kemaksiatan.
Hidayah taufiq diberikan kepada orang yang memenuhi panggilan Allah dan
mengikuti petunjukl\lya.
Jenis hidayah ini datang sesudah hidayah dilalah. Sejak awal, dengan tidak
pilih kasih, Allah memperlihatkan kebenaran kepada semua manusia. Allah
berfirman, Artinya:
“Dan adapun kaum Tsamua maka mereka telah kami beri petunjuk tetapi mereka
lebih menyukai buta (kesesatan) daripada petunjuk itu …. ” (Fushshilat: 17 )
Dan untuk itu, Allah menciptakan potensi dalam diri setiap orang mukaIlaf untuk
memilih antara jalan kebenaran atau jalan kebatilan. Jika dia memilih jalan
kebenaran menurut kemauannya sendiri maka hidayah taufiq akan datang kepadanya.
Allah berfirman:
Artinya: ”Dan orang-orang yang meminta petunjuk, Allah (akan) menambah
petunjuk pada mereka dan memberikan kepada mereka (balasan) ketakwaannya ” .
(Muhammad: 17)
Jika dia memilih kebatilan menurut kemauannya sendiri, maka Allah akan
menambahkan kesesatan padanya dan Dia mengharamkannya mendapat hidayah taufiq.
Allah berfirman :
Artinya: “Katakanlah: ‘Barangsiapa yang berada dalam kesesatan, maka biarlah
Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah memperpanjang tempo baginya …. “(Maryam: 75)
Artinya: …Maka tatkala mereka berpaling (dari kebenaran), Allah memalingkan
hati mereka “. (Ash Shaf: 5)
Penumpamaan Hidayah Taufiq
Syaikh Asy Sya’rawi memberikan perumpamaan yang amat mengena tentang hidayah
taufiq ini, dan itu merupakan sunnatullah. Beliau mengumpamakan dengan
seseorang yang menanyakan suatu alamat. Orang itu pergi ke polisi lalu lintas
untuk menanyakan alamat tersebut. Lain polisi menyarankan: “Anda bisa berjalan

Dalam sebuah kitab karangan Imam al-Ghazali menyebutkan bahwa iblis itu sesungguhnya namanya disebut sebagai al-Abid (ahli ibadah) pada langit yang pertama, pada langit yang keduanya disebut az-Zahid. Pada langit ketiga, namanya disebut al-Arif. Pada langit keempat, namanya adalah al-Wali. Pada langit kelima, namanya disebut at-Taqi. Pada langit keenam namanya disebut al-Kazin. Pada langit ketujuh namanya disebut Azazil manakala dalam Luh Mahfudz, namanya ialah iblis.
Dia (iblis) lupa akibat urusannya. Maka Allah S.W.T telah memerintahkannya sujud kepada Adam. Lalu iblis berkata, "Adakah Engkau mengutamakannya daripada aku, sedangkan aku lebih baik daripadanya. Engkau jadikan aku daripada api dan Engkau jadikan Adam daripada tanah."
Lalu Allah S.W.T berfirman yang maksudnya, "Aku membuat apa yang aku kehendaki." Oleh kerana iblis memandang dirinya penuh keagungan, maka dia enggan sujud kepada Adam A.S kerana bangga dan sombong.
Dia berdiri tegak sampai saatnya malaikat bersujud dalam waktu yang berlalu. Ketika para malaikat mengangkat kepala mereka, mereka mendapati iblis tidak sujud sedang mereka telah selesai sujud. Maka para malaikat bersujud lagi bagi kali kedua kerana bersyukur, tetapi iblis tetap angkuh dan enggan sujud. Dia berdiri tegak dan memaling dari para malaikat yang sedang bersujud. Dia tidak ingin mengikut mereka dan tidak pula dia merasa menyesal atas keengganannya.

Kemudian Allah S.W.T merubahkan mukanya pada asalnya yang sangat indah cemerlangan kepada bentuk seperti babi hutan. Allah S.W.T membentukkan kepalanya seperti kepala unta, dadanya seperti daging yang menonjol di atas punggung, wajah yang ada di antara dada dan kepala itu seperti wajah kera, kedua matanya terbelah pada sepanjang permukaan wajahnya. Lubang hidungnya terbuka seperti cerek tukang bekam, kedua bibirnya seperti bibir lembu, taringnya keluar seperti taring babi hutan dan janggut terdapat sebanyak tujuh helai.
Setelah itu, lalu Allah mengusirnya dari syurga, bahkan dari langit, dari bumi dan ke beberapa jazirah. Dia tidak akan masuk ke bumi melainkan dengan cara sembunyi. Allah S.W.T melaknatinya sehingga ke hari kiamat kerana dia menjadi kafir. Walaupun iblis itu pada sebelumnya sangat indah cemerlang rupanya, mempunyai sayap empat, banyak ilmu, banyak ibadah serta menjadi kebanggan para malaikat dan pemukanya, dan dia juga pemimpin para malaikat karubiyin dan banyak lagi, tetapi semua itu tidak menjadi jaminan sama sekali baginya.
Ketika Allah S.W.T membalas tipu daya iblis, maka menangislah Jibril A.S dan Mikail. Lalu Allah S.W.T berfirman yang bermaksud, "Apakah yang membuat kamu menangis?" Lalu mereka menjawab, "Ya Allah! Kami tidaklah aman dari tipu dayamu."
Firman Allah bagi bermaksud, "Begitulah aku. Jadilah engkau berdua tidak aman dari tipu dayaku."
Setelah diusir, maka iblis pun berkata, "Ya Tuhanku, Engkau telah mengusir aku dari Syurga disebabkan Adam, dan aku tidak menguasainya melainkan dengan penguasaan-Mu."
Lalu Allah berfirman yang bermaksud, "Engkau dikuasakan atas dia, yakni atas anak cucunya, sebab para nabi adalah maksum."
Berkata lagi iblis, "Tambahkanlah lagi untukku." Allah berfirman yang maksudnya, "Tidak akan dilahirkan seorang anak baginya kecuali tentu dilahirkan untukmu dua padanya."
Berkata iblis lagi, "Tambahkanlah lagi untukku." Lalu Allah berfirman dengan maksud, "Dada-dada mereka adalah rumahmu, engkau berjalan di sana sejalan dengan peredaran darah."
Berkata iblis lagi, "Tambahkanlah lagi untukku." Maka Allah berfirman lagi yang bermaksud, "Dan kerahkanlah terhadap mereka pasukan berkuda dan pasukan yang berjalan kaki, artinya mintalah tolong

Jam Piket Organ Tubuh

Rabu, 06 Februari 2013
Posted by Unknown

Jam 07.00 - 09.00: Jam piket organ lambung sedang kuat, sebaiknya makan pagi untuk proses pembentukan energi tubuh sepanjang hari. Minum jus atau ramuan sebaiknya sebelum sarapan pagi, perut masih kosong sehingga zat yang berguna segera terserap tubuh.

Jam 09.00 - 11.00 : Jam piket organ limpa kuat, dalam mentransportasi cairan nutrisi untuk energi pertumbuhan. Bila pada jam-jam ini mengantuk, berarti fungsi limpa lemah. Kurangi konsumsi gula, lemak, minyak dan protein hewani.

Jam 11.00 - 13.00 : Jam piket organ jantung kuat, harus istirahat, hindari panas dan olah fisik, ambisi dan emosi terutama pada penderita gangguan pembuluh darah.

Jam 13.00 - 15.00 : Jam piket organ hati lemah, bila orang tidur, darah merah berkumpul dalam organ hati dan terjadi proses regenerasi sel-sel hati. Apabila fungsi hati kuat maka tubuh kuat untuk menangkal semua penyakit.

Jam 15.00 - 17.00 : Jam piket organ paru-paru lemah, diperlukan istirahat, tidur untuk proses pembuangan racun dan proses pembentukan energi paru-paru

Jam 17.00 - 19.00 : Jam piket organ ginjal kuat, sebaiknya digunakan untuk belajar karena terjadi proses pembentukan sumsum tulang dan otak serta kecerdasan.

Jam 19.00 - 21.00 : Jam piket organ lambung lemah sebaiknya tidak

Strategic Insights, Volume VI, Issue 4 (June 2007)

by  Dan Flynn

Strategic Insights is a bi-monthly electronic journal produced by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. The views expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of NPS, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.


The following is the Executive Summary of Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Councils 2020 Project. The full report, as authored by the National Intelligence Council and presented at the conference by Dan Flynn, is available by clicking here.

At no time since the formation of the Western alliance system in 1949 have the shape and nature of international alignments been in such a state of flux.

The end of the Cold War shifted the tectonic plates, but the repercussions from these momentous events are still unfolding. Emerging powers in Asia, retrenchment in Eurasia, a roiling Middle East, and transatlantic divisions are among the issues that have only come to a head in recent years. The very magnitude and speed of change resulting from a globalizing worldapart from its precise character—will be a defining feature of the world out to 2020. Other significant characteristics include: the rise of new powers, new challenges to governance, and a more pervasive sense of insecurity, including terrorism. As we map the future, the prospects for increasing global prosperity and the limited likelihood of great power conflict provide an overall favorable environment for coping with what are otherwise daunting challenges. The role of the United States will be an important variable in how the world is shaped, influencing the path that states and nonstate actors choose to follow.

New Global Players

The likely emergence of China and India, as well as others, as new major global playerssimilar to the advent of a united Germany in the 19th century and a powerful United States in the early 20th centurywill transform the geopolitical landscape, with impacts potentially as dramatic as those in the previous two centuries. In the same way that commentators refer to the 1900s as the American Century, the 21st century may be seen as the time when Asia, led by China and India, comes into its own. A combination of sustained high economic growth, expanding military capabilities, and large populations will be at the root of the expected rapid rise in economic and political power for both countries.

Most forecasts indicate that by 2020 Chinas gross national product (GNP) will exceed that of individual Western economic powers except for the United States. Indias GNP will have overtaken or be on the threshold of overtaking European economies.

Because of the sheer size of Chinas and Indias populationsprojected by the U.S. Census Bureau to be 1.4 billion and almost 1.3 billion respectively by 2020their standard of living need not approach Western levels for these countries to become important economic powers.

Barring an abrupt reversal of the process of globalization or any major upheavals in these countries, the rise of these new powers is a virtual certainty. Yet how China and India exercise their growing power and whether they relate cooperatively or competitively to other powers in the international system are key uncertainties. The economies of other developing countries, such as Brazil, could surpass all but the largest European countries by 2020; Indonesias economy could also approach the economies of individual European countries by 2020.

By most measuresmarket size, single currency, highly skilled work force, stable democratic governments, and unified trade bloc—an enlarged Europe will be able to increase its weight on the international scene. Europes strength could be in providing a model of global and regional governance to the rising powers. But aging populations and shrinking work forces in most countries will have an important impact on the continent. Either European countries adapt their work forces, reform their social welfare, education, and tax systems, and accommodate growing immigrant populations (chiefly from Muslim countries), or they face a period of protracted economic stasis.

Japan faces a similar aging crisis that could crimp its longer run economic recovery, but it also will be challenged to evaluate its regional status and role. Tokyo may have to choose between “balancing against or bandwagoning with China. Meanwhile, the crisis over North Korea is likely to come to a head sometime over the next 15 years. Asians lingering resentments and
concerns over Korean unification and cross-Taiwan Strait tensions point to a complicated process for achieving regional equilibrium.

Russia has the potential to enhance its international role with others due to its position as a major oil and gas exporter. However, Russia faces a severe demographic crisis resulting from low birth rates, poor medical care, and a potentially explosive AIDS situation. To the south, it borders an unstable region in the Caucasus and Central Asia, the effects of whichMuslim extremism, terrorism, and endemic conflictare likely to continue spilling over into Russia. While these social and political factors limit the extent to which Russia can be a major global player, Moscow is likely to be an important partner both for the established powers, the United States and Europe, and for the rising powers of China and India.

With these and other new global actors, how we mentally map the world in 2020 will change radically. The arriviste powersChina, India, and perhaps others such as Brazil and Indonesiahave the potential to render obsolete the old categories of East and West, North and South, aligned and nonaligned, developed and developing. Traditional geographic groupings will increasingly lose salience in international relations. A state-bound world and a world of mega- cities, linked by flows of telecommunications, trade and finance, will co-exist. Competition for allegiances will be more open, less fixed than in the past.

Impact of Globalization

We see globalizationgrowing interconnectedness reflected in the expanded flows of information, technology, capital, goods, services, and people throughout the worldas an overarching mega-trend, a force so ubiquitous that it will substantially shape all the

other major trends in the world of 2020. But the future of globalization is not fixed; states and nonstate actorsincluding both private companies and NGOswill struggle to shape its contours. Some aspects of globalizationsuch as the growing global interconnectedness stemming from
the information technology (IT) revolutionalmost certainly will be irreversible. Yet it is also possible, although unlikely, that the process of globalization could be slowed or even stopped, just as the era of globalization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was reversed by catastrophic war and global depression.

Barring such a turn of events, the world economy is likely to continue growing impressively: by 2020, it is projected to be about 80 percent larger than it was in 2000, and average per capita income will be roughly 50 percent higher. Of course, there will be cyclical ups and downs and periodic financial or other crises, but this basic growth trajectory has powerful momentum behind it. Most countries around the world, both developed and developing, will benefit from gains in the world economy. By having the fastest-growing consumer markets, more firms becoming world-class multinationals, and greater S&T stature, Asia looks set to displace Western countries as the focus for international economic dynamismprovided Asias rapid economic growth continues.

Yet the benefits of globalization won’t be global. Rising powers will see exploiting the opportunities afforded by the emerging global marketplace as the best way to assert their great power status on the world stage. In contrast, some now in the First World may see the closing gap with China, India, and others as evidence of a relative decline, even though the older powers are likely to remain global leaders out to 2020. The United States, too, will see its relative power position eroded, though it will remain in 2020 the most important single country across all the dimensions of power. Those left behind in the developing world may resent China and Indias rise, especially if they feel squeezed by their growing dominance in key sectors of the global marketplace. And large pockets of poverty will persist even in “winner” countries.

The greatest benefits of globalization will accrue to countries and groups that can access and adopt new technologies. Indeed, a nations level of technological achievement generally will be defined in terms of its investment in integrating and applying the new, globally available technologieswhether the technologies are acquired through a countrys own basic research or from technology leaders. The growing two-way flow of high-tech brain power between the
developing world and the West, the increasing size of the information computer-literate work force in some developing countries, and efforts by global corporations to diversify their high-tech operations will foster the spread of new technologies. High-tech breakthroughssuch as in genetically modified organisms and increased food production—could provide a safety net eliminating the threat of starvation and ameliorating basic quality of life issues for poor countries. But the gap between the haves and “have-nots will widen unless the have-not countries
pursue policies that support application of new technologiessuch as good governance, universal education, and market reforms.

Those countries that pursue such policies could leapfrog stages of development, skipping over phases that other high-tech leaders such as the United States and Europe had to traverse in order to advance. China and India are well positioned to become technology leaders, and even the poorest countries will be able to leverage prolific, cheap technologies to fuelalthough at a slower ratetheir own development.

The expected next revolution in high technology involving the convergence of nano-, bio-, information and materials technology could further bolster China and Indias prospects. Both countries are investing in basic research in these fields and are well placed to be leaders in a number of key fields. Europe risks slipping behind Asia in some of these technologies. The United States is still in a position to retain its overall lead, although it must increasingly compete with Asia to retain its edge and may lose significant ground in some sectors.

More firms will become global, and those operating in the global arena will be more diverse, both in size and origin, more Asian and less Western in orientation. Such corporations, encompassing the current, large multinationals, will be increasingly outside the control of any one state and will be key agents of change in dispersing technology widely, further integrating the world economy, and promoting economic progress in the developing world. Their ranks will include a growing number based in such countries as China, India, or Brazil. While North America, Japan, and Europe might collectively continue to dominate international political and financial institutions, globalization will take on an increasingly non- Western character. By 2020, globalization could be equated in the popular mind with a rising Asia, replacing its current association with Americanization.

An expanding global economy will increase demand for many raw materials, such as oil. Total energy consumed probably will rise by about 50 percent in the next two decades compared to a
34 percent expansion from 1980-2000, with a greater share provided by petroleum. Most experts assess that with substantial investment in new capacity, overall energy supplies will be sufficient to meet global demands. But on the supply side, many of the areasthe Caspian Sea, Venezuela, and West Africathat are being counted on to provide increased output involve substantial political or economic risk. Traditional suppliers in the Middle East are also increasingly unstable. Thus sharper demand-driven competition for resources, perhaps accompanied
by a major disruption of oil supplies, is among the key uncertainties.

China, India, and other developing countries growing energy needs suggest a growing preoccupation with energy, shaping their foreign policies.

For Europe, an increasing preference for natural gas may reinforce regional relationships—such as with Russia or North Africagiven the interdependence of pipeline delivery.

New Challenges to Governance

The nation-state will continue to be the dominant unit of the global order, but economic globalization and the dispersion of technologies, especially information technologies, will place enormous new strains on governments. Growing connectivity will be accompanied by the proliferation of virtual communities of interest, complicating the ability of states to govern. The Internet in particular will spur the creation of even more global movements, which may emerge as a robust force in international affairs.

Part of the pressure on governance will come from new forms of identity politics centered on religious convictions. In a rapidly globalizing world experiencing population shifts, religious identities provide followers with a ready-made community that serves as a “social safety net in times of needparticularly important to migrants. In particular, political Islam will have a significant global impact leading to 2020, rallying disparate ethnic and national groups and perhaps even creating an authority that transcends national boundaries. A combination of factors—youth bulges in many Arab states, poor economic prospects, the influence of religious education, and the Islamization of such institutions as trade unions, nongovernmental organizations, and political partieswill ensure that political Islam remains a major force.

Outside the Middle East, political Islam will continue to appeal to Muslim migrants who are attracted to the more prosperous West for employment opportunities but do not feel at home in what they perceive as an alien and hostile culture.

Regimes that were able to manage the challenges of the 1990s could be overwhelmed by those of 2020. Contradictory forces will be at work: authoritarian regimes will face new pressures to democratize, but fragile new democracies may lack the adaptive capacity to survive and develop.

The so-called third wave of democratization may be partially reversed by 2020particularly among the states of the former Soviet Union and in Southeast Asia, some of which never really embraced democracy. Yet democratization and greater pluralism could gain ground in key Middle Eastern countries which thus far have been excluded from the process by repressive regimes.

With migration on the increase in several places around the worldfrom North Africa and the Middle East into Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean into the United States, and increasingly from Southeast Asia into the northern regionsmore countries will be multi-ethnic and will face the challenge of integrating migrants into their societies while respecting their ethnic and religious identities.

Chinese leaders will face a dilemma over how much to accommodate pluralistic pressures to relax political controls or risk a popular backlash if they do not. Beijing may pursue an “Asian way of democracy, which could involve elections at the local level and a consultative mechanism on the national level, perhaps with the Communist Party retaining control over the central government.

With the international system itself undergoing profound flux, some of the institutions that are charged with managing global problems may be overwhelmed by them. Regionally based institutions will be particularly challenged to meet the complex transnational threats posed by terrorism, organized crime, and WMD proliferation. Such post-World War II creations as the United Nations and the international financial institutions risk sliding into obsolescence unless
they adjust to the profound changes taking place in the global system, including the rise of new powers.

Pervasive Insecurity

We foresee a more pervasive sense of insecuritywhich may be as much based on
psychological perceptions as physical threatsby 2020. Even as most of the world gets richer,
globalization will profoundly shake up the status quogenerating enormous economic, cultural, and consequently political convulsions. With the gradual integration of China, India, and other emerging countries into the global economy, hundreds of millions of working-age adults will become available for employment in what is evolving into a more integrated world labor market.

This enormous work force—a growing portion of which will be well educatedwill be an attractive, competitive source of low-cost labor at the same time that technological innovation is expanding the range of globally mobile occupations.

The transition will not be painless and will hit the middle classes of the developed world in particular, bringing more rapid job turnover and requiring professional retooling. Outsourcing on a large scale would strengthen the anti-globalization movement. Where these pressures lead will depend on how political leaders respond, how flexible labor markets become, and whether overall economic growth is sufficiently robust to absorb a growing number of displaced workers.

Weak governments, lagging economies, religious extremism, and youth bulges will align to create a perfect storm for internal conflict in certain regions. The number of internal conflicts is down significantly since the late 1980s and early 1990s when the breakup of the Soviet Union and Communist regimes in Central Europe allowed suppressed ethnic and nationalistic strife to flare. Although a leveling off point has been reached where we can expect fewer such conflicts than during the last decade, the continued prevalence of troubled and institutionally weak states means that such conflicts will continue to occur.

Some internal conflicts, particularly those that involve ethnic groups straddling national boundaries, risk escalating into regional conflicts. At their most extreme, internal conflicts can result in failing or failed states, with expanses of territory and populations devoid of effective governmental control. Such territories can become sanctuaries for transnational terrorists (such as al-Qaida in Afghanistan) or for criminals and drug cartels (such as in Colombia).

The likelihood of great power conflict escalating into total war in the next 15 years is lower than at any time in the past century, unlike during previous centuries when local conflicts sparked world wars. The rigidities of alliance systems before World War I and during the interwar period, as well as the two-bloc standoff during the Cold War, virtually assured that small conflicts would be quickly generalized. The growing dependence on global financial and trade networks will help deter interstate conflict but does not eliminate the possibility. Should conflict occur that involved one or more of the great powers, the consequences would be significant. The absence of effective conflict resolution mechanisms in some regions, the rise of nationalism in some states, and the raw emotions and tensions on both sides of some issuesfor example, the Taiwan Strait or India/Pakistan issues—could lead to miscalculation. Moreover, advances in modern weaponry—longer ranges, precision delivery, and more destructive conventional munitions—create circumstances encouraging the preemptive use of military force.

Current nuclear weapons states will continue to improve the survivability of their deterrent forces and almost certainly will improve the reliability, accuracy, and lethality of their delivery systems as well as develop capabilities to penetrate missile defenses. The open demonstration of nuclear capabilities by any state would further discredit the current nonproliferation regime, cause a possible shift in the balance of power, and increase the risk of conflicts escalating into nuclear ones. Countries without nuclear weaponsespecially in the Middle East and Northeast Asiamight decide to seek them as it becomes clear that their neighbors and regional rivals are doing so. Moreover, the assistance of proliferators will reduce the time required for additional countries to develop nuclear weapons.

Transmuting International Terrorism

The key factors that spawned international terrorism show no signs of abating over the next 15 years. Facilitated by global communications, the revival of Muslim identity will create a framework for the spread of radical Islamic ideology inside and outside the Middle East, including Southeast Asia, Central Asia and Western Europe, where religious identity has traditionally not been as strong. This revival has been accompanied by a deepening solidarity among Muslims caught up in national or regional separatist struggles, such as Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq, Kashmir, Mindanao, and southern Thailand, and has emerged in response to government repression, corruption, and ineffectiveness. Informal networks of charitable foundations, madrassas, hawalas[1], and other mechanisms will continue to proliferate and be exploited by radical
elements; alienation among unemployed youths will swell the ranks of those vulnerable to terrorist recruitment.

We expect that by 2020 al-Qaida will be superseded by similarly inspired Islamic extremist groups, and there is a substantial risk that broad Islamic movements akin to al-Qaida will merge with local separatist movements. Information technology, allowing for instant connectivity, communication, and learning, will enable the terrorist threat to become increasingly decentralized, evolving into an eclectic array of groups, cells, and individuals that do not need a stationary headquarters to plan and carry out operations. Training materials, targeting guidance, weapons know-how, and fund-raising will become virtual (i.e., online).

Terrorist attacks will continue to primarily employ conventional weapons, incorporating new twists and constantly adapting to counterterrorist efforts. Terrorists probably will be most original not in

the technologies or weapons they use but rather in their operational conceptsi.e., the scope, design, or support arrangements for attacks.

Strong terrorist interest in acquiring chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons increases the risk of a major terrorist attack involving WMD. Our greatest concern is that terrorists might acquire biological agents or, less likely, a nuclear device, either of which could cause mass casualties. Bioterrorism appears particularly suited to the smaller, better- informed groups. We also expect that terrorists will attempt cyber attacks to disrupt critical information networks and, even more likely, to cause physical damage to information systems.

Possible Futures

In this era of great flux, we see several ways in which major global changes could take shape in the next 15 years, from seriously challenging the nation-state system to establishing a more robust and inclusive globalization. In the body of this paper we develop these concepts in four fictional scenarios which were extrapolated from the key trends we discuss in this report. These scenarios are not meant as actual forecasts, but they describe possible worlds upon whose threshold we may be entering, depending on how trends interweave and play out:

Davos World provides an illustration of how robust economic growth, led by China and India, over the next 15 years could reshape the globalization processgiving it a more non-Western face and transforming the political playing field as well.


Pax Americana takes a look at how U.S. predominance may survive the radical changes to the global political landscape and serve to fashion a new and inclusive global order.


A New Caliphate provides an example of how a global movement fueled by radical religious identity politics could constitute a challenge to Western norms and values as the foundation of the global system.


Cycle of Fear provides an example of how concerns about proliferation might increase to the point that large-scale intrusive security measures are taken to prevent outbreaks of deadly attacks, possibly introducing an Orwellian world.

Of course, these scenarios illustrate just a few of the possible futures that may develop over the next 15 years, but the wide range of possibilities we can imagine suggests that this period will be characterized by increased flux, particularly in contrast to the relative stasis of the Cold War era. The scenarios are not mutually exclusive: we may see two or three of these scenarios unfold in some combination or a wide range of other scenarios.

Policy Implications

The role of the United States will be an important shaper of the international order in 2020. Washington may be increasingly confronted with the challenge of managingat an acceptable cost to itselfrelations with Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and others absent a single overarching threat on which to build consensus. Although the challenges ahead will be daunting, the United States will retain enormous advantages, playing a pivotal role across the broad range of issueseconomic, technological, political, and militarythat no other state will match by 2020. Some trends we probably can bank on include dramatically altered
alliances and relationships with Europe and Asia, both of which formed the bedrock of U.S. power in the post-World War II period. The EU, rather than NATO, will increasingly become the primary institution for Europe, and the role which Europeans shape for themselves on the world stage is most likely to be projected through it. Dealing with the U.S.-Asia relationship may arguably be

more challenging for Washington because of the greater flux resulting from the rise of two world- class economic and political giants yet to be fully integrated into the international order. Where U.S.-Asia relations lead will result as much or more from what the Asians work out among themselves as any action by Washington. One could envisage a range of possibilities from the United States enhancing its role as balancer between contending forces to Washington being seen as increasingly irrelevant.

The U.S. economy will become more vulnerable to fluctuations in the fortunes of others as global commercial networking deepens. U.S. dependence on foreign oil supplies also makes it more vulnerable as the competition for secure access grows and the risks of supply side disruptions increase.

While no single country looks within striking distance of rivaling U.S. military power by
2020, more countries will be in a position to make the United States pay a heavy price for any military action they oppose. The possession of chemical, biological, and/or nuclear weapons by Iran and North Korea and the possible acquisition of such weapons by others by
2020 also increase the potential cost of any military action by the United States against
them or their allies.

The success of the U.S.-led counterterrorism campaign will hinge on the capabilities and resolve of individual countries to fight terrorism on their own soil. Counterterrorism efforts in the years aheadagainst a more diverse set of terrorists who are connected more by ideology than by geographywill be a more elusive challenge than focusing on a centralized organization such as al-Qaida. A counterterrorism strategy that approaches the problem on multiple fronts
offers the greatest chance of containingand ultimately reducingthe terrorist threat. The development of more open political systems and representation, broader economic opportunities, and empowerment of Muslim reformers would be viewed positively by the broad Muslim communities who do not support the radical agenda of Islamic extremists.

Even if the numbers of extremists dwindle, however, the terrorist threat is likely to remain. The rapid dispersion of biological and other lethal forms of technology increases the potential for an individual not affiliated with any terrorist group to be able to wreak widespread loss of life. Despite likely high-tech breakthroughs that will make it easier to track and detect terrorists at work, the attacker will have an easier job than the defender because the defender must prepare against a large array of possibilities. The United States probably will continue to be called on to help manage such conflicts as Palestine, North Korea, Taiwan, and Kashmir to ensure they do not get out of hand if a peace settlement cannot be reached. However, the scenarios and trends we analyze in the paper suggest the possibility of harnessing the power of the new players in contributing to global security and relieving the United States of some of the burden.

Over the next 15 years the increasing centrality of ethical issues, old and new, have the potential to divide worldwide publics and challenge U.S. leadership. These issues include the environment and climate change, privacy, cloning and biotechnology, human rights, international law regulating conflict, and the role of multilateral institutions. The United States increasingly will have to battle world public opinion, which has dramatically shifted since the end of the Cold War. Some of the current anti-Americanism is likely to lessen as globalization takes on more of a non-Western face. At the same time, the younger generation of leadersunlike during the post-World War II periodhas no personal recollection of the United States as its “liberator” and is more likely to diverge with Washingtons thinking on a range of issues.

In helping to map out the global future, the United States will have many opportunities to extend its advantages, particularly in shaping a new international order that integrates disparate regions and reconciles divergent interests.

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1. Hawalas constitute an informal banking system.

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